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What I’m working on now - the exciting sequel to "The Truth That Lies Between"

Writer's picture: W. D. McCombW. D. McComb

Updated: Sep 2, 2020

(Author's update 9/2/20: Originally entitled Gross Injustice as described in the original post below, the name of the book is now Anatomy of the Truth.)

If you read The Truth That Lies Between (to be released December 3, 2019), I hope you liked it. If you haven't had a chance yet, I encourage you to check it out. Either way, here's what is on the horizon.

If all goes according to plan, my next novel, Gross Injustice (tentative title) will be out some time in the latter half of 2020. I have completed my first draft and even been

through a few edits, but I have much more work to do to polish it into a form worthy of presentation to my readers.

Without spoiling any more surprises than I have to, I can tell you it is set in the late 1990s, where many (but not all, for reasons you'll learn in the books) of our characters from The Truth That Lies Between find themselves facing a new mystery, this one even more sinister than the one they solved almost a decade earlier. This time, though, they're in Jackson, Mississippi where new challenges—and new foes—emerge, and some of the old ones are never far away.

If you are at all familiar with medical school, you may have heard that the initial challenge first-year students face is a course called Gross Anatomy, where they must learn the human body inside and out, rapidly learning and struggling to retain thousands of anatomical names, locations, functions, and relationships in a few short months. The process has been likened to opening a fire hydrant and trying to drink every drop. It's a gargantuan assignment, and the word 'intimidating' doesn't begin to describe it. But the volume of material isn't where the intimidation begins.

On day one of Gross Anatomy, students must march into the dissection lab and meet their cadaver for the first time. It is a sobering and humbling experience to touch the cold flesh of what was once a living, breathing, human being who chose to donate their remains for the advancement of science. The students' cadaver—with whom they will spend more time over a six month span than they will with family and friends—will become an instructor of sorts, and in many ways, if the proper respect is paid by the students, a friend.

Now imagine yourself as a first year medical student. Imagine yourself tiptoeing into the Gross Anatomy lab for the very first time, hoping you don't get nauseated and wondering if you have the brains for the task you are about to face. You eye the other students in your group with trepidation and then venture to pull back the sheet covering your cadaver for the first time.

You gasp as you realize it is someone you know.

You sense the death was not an accident, and neither is the fact the person is on your table.

And you suddenly wonder if you will be next.



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